Refine the energy within you and realize the unrealized potential you have. Do it everyday. Perseverance pays off in everyway. The block is not physical, its just mental.
When I wake up my first self talk is how do I refine my energy today. The answer is exercise. The one exercise I found that is instrumental for my physical mental and overall health is the exercise of Suryanamaskar. There is a magic to doing the exercise in a set of 12 Suryanamaskars and 9 sets everyday.
Start small
Build the stamina
Keep a log
Reach 108 Suryanamaskars everyday.
Listen to your body.
Stop when it tells you to stop.
Sateesh Babu was a real inspiration for me to take up this challenge.
Check out his youtube video doing 108 Suryanamaskars ( 9 sets )
Check out my youtube video doing 12 Suryanamaskars ( 1 set ) June 3 2024
Jan 2022